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University Governance

Role of governance is to ensure the college is well-managed

The University College Law sets out a bicameral governance structure for the College, dividing fiscal and academic authorities between two bodies, the Board of Governors and the Administrative and Academic Committee, each of which has been granted their own statutory powers and responsibilities. Each body has its own set of sub-committees. The Board determines those matters it requires the Administrative and Academic Committee to also submit for approval by the Board where those matters cut across the distinctive roles of the two bodies. It is a collegial self-governance model for a university, in which both internal and external stakeholders are represented within governance.

Members of the Board of Governors and Committees are collectively and individually stewards of the College, advancing and upholding the mission of the College, understanding and having relevant input into the College’s vision, strategies and objectives, and overseeing the business and affairs of the College. Each member must act in good faith with the view to the best interests of the College as a whole, to defend the autonomy and independence of the College and to enhance its public image.

The three primary functions of College governance are:

  1. Approval – governance approves specific policies, plans or projects in accordance with terms of reference for the Board and the Committees.
  2. Oversight – governance receives a wide variety of reports and information through which it monitors the quality and substance of College leadership and decision-making.
  3. Advice – governance is consulted and provides input on proposed initiatives at various stages of development.

The role of College governance is one of oversight with a focus on strategic matters rather than management or administration. The role of governance is not to manage the College, but to ensure that the College is well-managed. In general, the President, as chief executive officer, and the President’s Cabinet have the responsibility for formulating the College’s mission, strategic directions and formulating new policy for governance consideration.


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