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Privacy Policy

Read about how we process personal data and find out about your rights. This notice outlines UCCI’s processing activities relating to personal data. You can refer to the UCCI’s Data Protection Policy for more information about our commitment to processing personal data in a way that is compliant with relevant data protection legislation.

The Data Protection Officer for the University College Cayman Islands is Simon Ashdown. If you have any queries concerning your personal data and how it is processed, contact the Data Protection Officer at

Why we need to process and store your data

We process personal information / data to enable us to provide education and support services to our students, staff and faculty; and for advertising and promoting the University College and the services we offer; UCCI publications and alumni management, fundraising and research and managing our internal accounts and records systems.

Personal information is also captured via the use of CCTV systems for the purpose of security and the prevention and detection of crime, for disciplinary proceedings against staff, faculty and students, for monitoring security and for assisting in traffic management and parking enforcement.

UCCI processes personal data largely on the basis that it is necessary for the performance of our tasks carried out in the public interest. UCCI’s purpose is to advance learning and knowledge by teaching and research to the benefit of the wider community and examples of processing on this basis include monitoring and evaluating the performance and effectiveness of the University College and improving the academic, HR and Financial management of the University College.

We may also process personal data to comply with our legal obligations. This could include compliance or regulatory obligations, (such as anti-money laundering laws, immigration obligations and safeguarding requirements), or to assist with investigations carried out by the police or other authorities.

What data do we collect and what is it used for

Information is collected in several different ways dependent on your interaction with the University College and personal data is processed for the purposes outlined below.

We collect personal data from visitors to this website through the use of online forms. We also collect information about the transactions you undertake through this site including details of payment cards used. In addition, we collect information automatically about your visit to our website. Further information about ‘Cookies’ is set out below.  

Individuals it may affect and why

We collect personal data via student applications through our application systems. Should you subsequently enroll as a student at the University College, a student record will be created for you. The data collected from you as a prospective student or student is used by the University College for the following:

Accounts and records

  • the administration of student accounts and payments
  • the collection of student fees
  • to maintain a central student record
  • to enable us to fulfill statutory reporting obligations.


  • administration required for provision of education (such as registration and scheduling)
  • calculation and publication of exam results
  • provision of references
  • provision of education and training such as the planning and control of curricula and exams
  • administration relating to the application process, e.g. compilation of statistics, assessments including preliminary and confirmed offers, etc.
  • to contact individuals who have provided disability details at the point of application or registration to signpost to our Student Life Unit to register for arrangement of reasonable adjustments
  • to deal with student awards and scholarships
  • administration and provision of a student card
  • administration and provision of welfare and support services
  • careers guidance
  • to carry out student discipline and academic misconduct processes


  • the promotion of the relationship between the University and its alumni
  • University College-related fundraising initiatives involving alumni
  • advertising and promotion of alumni events and reunions
  • distribution of University mailings, e.g. alumni magazines, newsletters, annual reports, and message forwarding


  • selection processes, including short-listing candidates and interviews
  • equality and diversity monitoring
  • processing expenses related to interview processes
  • pre-employment health screening.

Staff members

  • staff contracts
  • payroll administration
  • administration of employee pension schemes
  • provision of occupational health services and healthcare
  • administration of flexible working arrangements
  • providing access to secured buildings and to parking facilities
  • reviewing performance and facilitating promotion and reward
  • carry out staff grievance and disciplinary processes
  • processing expenses
  • to enable us to fulfill statutory reporting obligations.

Your information may be used to send you details of products or services that we offer that we have identified as likely to be of interest to you, but you will only be contacted according to the preferences you submit when providing your personal data. If you would like to change these preferences (e.g. opt out of receiving some communications or change channels used for contact) at any point, you can:

  • use the link on the bottom of the last email you received from us
  • email

General notice regarding photography and video

The University College’s Marketing and Communications teams routinely capture images and videos on campus for promotional use on the University College’s website, social media channels, and/or print materials, some of which may include individuals. In cases where individuals are central and clearly identifiable, consent will be obtained accordingly.

The University College also records video footage of some events, such as our graduation ceremonies, for the purpose of making these available via its website to those who are unable to attend. Notices will be posted at events and information made available for those who prefer not to appear in any footage.

Retention of personal data

The University College will only keep your personal data for as long as is necessary for the purpose for which it is processed.

Disclosure and transfer of personal data

We will only disclose your personal data to a third party when we are required to by law, where we have your specific consent, or where appropriate arrangements are in place with regard to data sharing - for instance:

  • companies or suppliers with whom we engage to process data on our behalf – if so, we will ensure adequate arrangements are in place to protect your personal data, such as a data sharing agreement
  • professional and regulatory bodies in relation to confirmation of qualifications, professional conduct and the accreditation of courses

Your rights including access to information and correction

You have a number of rights including the right:

  • to rectify inaccuracies in personal data that we hold about you
  • to obtain a copy of your data in a commonly used electronic form
  • to withdraw consent where that is the legal basis of our processing

You also have the right to ask to see what personal data we hold about you, known as a subject access request. For more information, refer to our Data Protection Pages for more guidance on how to submit subject access requests.


Cookies are files placed on your computer to collect standard internet log information and visitor behavior information. This helps us to understand visitor behavior, to remember your preferences and improve user experience.

For further information about cookies you can visit 

Changes to our privacy notice

We keep our privacy notice under regular review and the notice was last updated on 5th June 2023.

How to contact us

If you have any questions about our privacy notice or the information we hold about you, you can contact UCCIs Data Protection Officer by email at 

Data Removal Request

You can request data removal via the secure form on our Data Removal Request page.

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