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Pre-College Programme

The Pre-College programme at the University College of the Cayman Islands is about challenge, discovery and new friends. 

The programme prepares talented students and young adults for a true experience that aims to prepare for success and experience life in a college environment.

At present, a prospective student for UCCI has three pathways for entry into an academic/vocation programme:

  • Student is interested in pursuing an associate degree programme, has the appropriate entry requirements, and is subsequently accepted directly into the degree programme.
  • Student who has deficiencies and who has not met matriculation criteria for entry to the associate degree programme may be accepted to a Certificate programme and, upon successful completion, transfer to an associated degree programme. The time span for this approach is a minimum of one academic year.
  • Student wanting to complete an associate degree programme or certificate, but has entry deficiencies; usually remains unclassified and may be advised to register in the Continuing Education department in an attempt to undertake and successfully complete courses that are equivalent for matriculation into a certificate or associate degree. The timeframe is usually one to two years.

It was anticipated that a significant number of prospective student applicants would not have the necessary entry requirements for matriculation into either the vocational programmes and/or the associate degree programmes being offered by UCCI.


The UCCI Pre-College Program is one academic year in duration and serves as the perfect opportunity to expose prospective students to the rigors of college life and the discipline that is necessary to succeed at that level. Courses include college skills, interpersonal development, math, technology, writing, among others. Courses under consideration include:

  • Four (4) college non-credit courses (Pre-College Mathematics I, Pre-College Mathematics II and Pre-College English I, Pre-College English II)
  • Two (2) college level three-credit courses selected from a prescribed list of first year college courses.

NOTE: Students who are more advanced in one or both subjects (Math and English) move forward at their own speed thus having the opportunity to take an additional two (2) three-credit courses.

Entry Requirements

Students desiring to enrol in the full-time Pre-College programme must satisfy one of the following:

  • Two (2) passes in an external examination. Subjects must be at the general level
  • Satisfactory performance at the University College's Entrance Examination with a score of 110-139 points
  • Satisfactory performance at the Continuing Education course level with passes in Basic Math, Basic English and Digital Literacy with at least a B in each; plus satisfactory performance in the University College's Entrance Examination with a score of 110-139 points
  • Personal interview
  • Mature students: Individuals 21 years of age or older with a minimum of two years of relevant work experience.

NOTE: Passes in CXC examinations at the Basic Level do not satisfy the entry requirements for the Pre-College programme.

Post Pre-College Matriculation Outcomes

Successful completion of the Pre-College Programme requires attainment of a B average in the courses taken.

After consultation with their advisors, successful students may apply for transfer to an approved associate degree programme or to one of the vocational certificate programmes at the University.

On completion of the one-year Pre–College programme students will have gained:

  • Matriculation into an associate degree programme or certificate programme
  • The advantage of having earned 9-12 college credits towards completion of an associate degree

Normally, this process comprises of completion of (A) and one of (B) below:

(A) Completion of all course requirements:

  • Completed all the requirements of the Pre-College Matriculation Programme
  • Achieved a course average of B or better in the Pre-College Matriculation Programme.

(B) Transfer to an Associate Degree Programme

  • Upon acceptance to an Associate Degree programme, students may be eligible for a transfer of twelve (12) credits maximum, provided they have:
  • Acceptance into an Associate Degree Programme at the University College
  • At least 80 % attendance record for the duration of the Pre-College Matriculation programme

Request a prospectus or obtain further information from Student Services.

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