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The UCCI placement exam is an assessment of a student's level of preparation for university.

The purpose of the exam is to help students enrol in a Technical/Vocational or Continuing Education course; or a Certificate, Pre-College or Associate programme which they have the appropriate skills to study and are most likely to improve their knowledge. Please note that the Placement Exam does not grant credit or grades and cannot be used to replace failing grades in any previously completed course. The Placement Exam simply determines one's proficiency level. Prospective students should take the Placement Exam in advance of their desired semester of entry.  Students must register before taking the exam.

  • The UCCI Placement Exam is offered throughout the year to prospective students (excluding Dual Enrolment Students). All students must register to secure their spot for the exam. You can scroll down to see the exam schedule, choose a date and confirm by completing the online form.

    The exam is facilitated on the UCCI campus and is three hours in duration. It comprises of multiple-choice questions for Math and English sections. Below are the recommendations for each scoring tier.

    Overall Score Recommendation
    • 140 or Higher – Eligible for Associate Degree
    • 110-139 – Eligible for Pre-College Programme
    • 80-109 – Eligible for Certificate Programme
    • 79 or below – Eligible for Technical/Vocational Programmes or Continuing Education Programmes
  • Exam questions are informed by basic learning principles covered by UCCI’s Preparatory Math and English courses. You may want to consider reviewing college Math and English concepts like: basic algebra, calculations, grammar, punctuation, etc. These are just a few examples, although a variety of concepts outside of those listed will be included in the exam in an effort to test your aptitude and abilities.

  • You will need to bring one (1) calculator, two (2) pencils, one (1) eraser; and one (1) form of government-issued ID (such as a passport, voter’s ID card or driver’s license).

  • There are many pathways that lead to success. Prospective students who take the UCCI Placement Exam, but do not achieve the minimum scoring tier for their desired programme, can contact the Admissions Office to discuss their goals and the options available to them. Additionally, students who score within any tier, may elect to wait for CXC/IGCSE/GCSE/SAT/ACT external examination passes that could make them eligible to pursue other programmes of choice.

  • You should take the exam if any of the following statements apply:
    • I am an Adult Learner (21+ years old) and I am not electing to pursue a conditional Acceptance on the basis of my job letter submission
    • I am a High School Graduate under the age of 21 years old (who does not have the minimum external examination passes for CXC/IGCSE/GCSE/SAT/ACT etc. which are less than 10 years old; in order to meet the minimum entry requirements for my programme of choice)
    • I have not graduated from High School (and I do not have the minimum external examination passes for CXC/IGCSE/GCSE/SAT/ACT etc.; in order to meet the minimum entry requirements for my programme of choice)
    • I am a Private High School Student (without external examination passes for CXC/IGCSE/GCSE/SAT/ACT etc. which are less than 10 years old)
    • I am an International Student (without external examination passes for CXC/IGCSE/GCSE/SAT/ACT etc. which are less than 10 years old)

    Please note that if English is not your first language, you may be required to take an English Assessment instead of the UCCI Placement Exam.

    Please note that persons pursuing Technical/Vocational Programmes or Continuing Education Programmes, the Dual Enrolment Programme, and Bachelor or Graduate Studies; are exempt from taking the exam.

    International Students are encouraged to take the UCCI Placement Exam early; at least three (3) weeks in advance of submitting a request for your student visa to the Department of Immigration (WORC). Exam results take approximately two to three (2-3) weeks to generate; only after this can a UCCI Acceptance Letter be generated for furnishing to WORC. It is recommended that requests for student visas be submitted at least three (3) months in advance of your desired semester of entry to ensure appropriate processing time with WORC; so that you are prepared to submit the approved student visa to UCCI for the payment/registration of classes.

  • Yes. You have to register to secure your spot for the exam. Scroll down to the exam schedule, choose a date and confirm by completing the online form.

  • No fee is required to take the UCCI Placement Exam.

  • To allow processing time, exam scores will be provided to students via email two to three (2-3) weeks after the exam has been sat.

  • If you have taken the UCCI Placement Exam two or more (2+) years in advance of your desired semester of entry, please speak with a UCCI Admissions Team member to confirm that your results are still valid. Also, please note that some programmes may have additional entrance requirements (like an interview or an essay) depending on your programme of choice. You can speak with the UCCI Admissions Team to get started on your studies after your Placement Exam results have been determined.

  • The issuance of Acceptance Letters will be dependent upon completion of your Online Application. This process can take four to six (4-6) weeks.

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