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Governance Meetings


Meeting Dates

To be accountable and transparent to the College’s many stakeholders, the Board and its Committees (other than the Executive) will usually meet in open session, allowing any member of the College or the public to observe but not participate in the meeting. The Board or Committee may resolve to conduct its debate on any item or items in closed session or in camera and the non-members of the Board or Committee not invited by the Chair to remain for the debate must withdraw from the meeting.

Meeting dates and times can change or be cancelled without notice. Please check below before attending any meeting.


Agenda Materials and Minutes

About one week prior to every scheduled meeting of a governance body, an Agenda with supporting materials is circulated and posted here. Draft Minutes of the prior meeting are posted here at the same time and once approved at the meeting are reposted in final approved form shortly after the meeting. By clicking on a folder name listed below, you may view meeting Agendas, Agenda Materials and Minutes of Meetings.

Minutes of Meetings

Agenda Materials and Minutes for all Years

December 1Board of Governors2:00pm - 5:00pm

Professional Dev. Ctr., Sam Basdeo Library

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