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Hurricane Prepared

What is a hurricane?

What is a hurricane?

A hurricane is a type of tropical cyclone, which is a generic term for a low-pressure system that generally forms in the tropics. The cyclone is accompanied by thunderstorms, severe wind and occasionally tornadoes. Hurricanes are a reality for the Cayman Islands. The hurricane season runs from June 1 through November 30.

The University has put several procedures in place to keep its students safe. Depending upon the anticipated severity of a storm, UCCI may be required to evacuate its campuses for a hurricane. UCCI’s Sir Vassel Johnson Hall is a registered Hurricane Shelter. However, it is imperative that students and their families develop a personal evacuation plan now and be ready to implement that plan if a storm threatens the Cayman Islands.

When a tropical storm or hurricane is forecasted to impact the Cayman Islands, follow directions and guidance administered by public safety officials. All official information regarding campus closings, class cancellation, evacuation, and re-population of the campus will be communicated through the main UCCI Website front page and the National Emergency Operations Centre (NEOC) Information Line by calling 1-345-949-6555 (be aware this number is only answered once the NEOC is activated during a threat or disaster).

Staying Informed

When a tropical storm or hurricane threatens the Cayman Islands, the university will notify students of cancellations, closures and the possibility of evacuations via storm-alert emails and social media. The university’s Emergency Preparedness page is always the best place to go to get the latest information.

As storms approach, the university will send out emails to all students, providing them with more specific instructions.

Emergency Preparedness Website

National Emergency Operations Centre Hotline


(Only answered once the NEOC is activated during a threat or disaster)

Hazard Management Cayman

Know your Flood Zone/Evacuation Plan

UCCI’s Sir Vassel Johnson Hall is a registered hurricane shelter. While evacuation will not always be necessary, it is important that you are prepared if there is a need to leave your home. Locate the closest evacuation shelter and the safest route to get there. Ensure that at least one other person knows the address of the shelter or any other locations you plan to go in the event of an evacuation.

If the campus is evacuated, do not return until public safety officials have directed you to do so. Hurricanes can inflict severe damage to infrastructure, roadways, and buildings. Post-hurricane environmental conditions are likely to be unsafe.

Information for the University Community

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