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Free training for Caymanians

The University College of the Cayman Islands (UCCI) is inviting applications from unemployed and underemployed Caymanians who wish to re-train for free, for a year-long training programme in sustainable trades made possible thanks to a grant of €432,000 (CI$405,000) from the European Union (EU) RESEMBID Programme.

The aim of the project is to assist fifty Caymanians to move toward gaining sustainable employment in four key sectors, sustainable construction, renewable energy,  Information Communications Technology (ICT) and tourism, and long-term social and economic resilience. The programme is open for applications now and the criteria are that participants must be Caymanian and between the ages of 18 and 45. In addition to the cost of training being fully covered, the grant will also pay for tools and equipment, making it completely free for students.

Take the Cayman Islands’ Workforce Survey below!



The Caribbean Overseas Countries and Territories (OCTs) Resilience, Sustainable Energy and Marine Biodiversity Programme (RESEMBID) commenced operations on 1st January 2019 and will be implemented over a period of 58 months. The programme supports the sustainable human development efforts of the 12 Caribbean OCTs, namely: Anguilla, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Montserrat, Turks and Caicos Islands, Aruba, Bonaire, Curaçao, Saba, Sint Eustatius, Sint Maarten, and Saint-Barthélemy.

The overall objective of RESEMBID, is to support the sustainable human development efforts of participating countries and territories, with the thematic priorities being: Resilience, Sustainable Energy and Marine Biodiversity.




Training begins in June 2022.




The programme

The programme

Training for the 50 Caymanians will begin on June 27, 2022, and will last until June 2023.  Thereafter participants will undergo a 3-month internship. These full-time  programmes are completely free of charge for students and are available in the following four sectors:

  • Sustainable Construction 
  • Information and Computer Technology
  • Tourism Management 
  • Solar PV Technician

The benefits

The benefits

To improve the life opportunities for 50 Caymanians by providing training to obtain a certified skill and/or improve existing skills to gain employment/self-employment in the post-COVID-19 economy

To enhance the training programme of UCCI by undertaking one curriculum upgrading in renewable energy and provide training programme offered in Solar Photovoltaic Technology and Systems, Information Communications Technology (ICT), Sustainable Building Technology (Construction) and Tourism/Hospitality Management.



Applications are open now and Caymanians are urged to apply early because there are limited spaces. The criteria is as follows:

  • Caymanian
  • 18 - 45 years old
  • unemployed or underemployed
  • Applicants must be registered with WORC's JobsCayman portal

It is anticipated that when the recruitment of candidates is done that the 50 persons to be selected will enrol as follows:

  • Solar Photovoltaic Technology and Systems – 15 Students
  • Information Communications Technology (ICT) – 10 Students
  • Sustainable Building Technology (Construction) – 15 Students
  • Tourism/Hospitality Management – 10 students

How can YOU get involved in this programme?


Volunteers & mentors needed!
Here's what we are looking for:

Corporate partners - Businesses willing and able to provide internship and mentorship opportunities to those enrolled in the programme.
Mentors - Qualified individuals able to provide social support to the students
Volunteers - Student mentors, Event Coordinator, Mentorship Coordinator, Internship Coordinator.

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