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Cultural Studies Programme LaunchLEARN MORE
  • Applicant

    Start by submitting:

    • Application Form – printed & signed
    • Student Assessment Form – printed & signed
    • Passport
    • Proof of Caymanian Status
    • Proof of health insurance
    • Certified Copy of External Exam Grades (CXC/IGCSE/GCSE/SAT/ACT)
    • High School or University Transcript
    • CIFEC Year 12 Dual Entry Programme Form
    • Job Letter
    • (Any other documents required by your programme)


    • Issued an Acceptance Letter: Follow all instructions for: email setup, ID collection, Blackbaud/Blackboard logins, getting books and other required materials.
    • Assigned to an academic advisor: Follow up with your advisor to book regular academic advising meetings..
    • Check out the Schedule of Courses for the semester: Determine what courses you may want to register for based on availability and your programme/degree plan.
    • If you're transfering any credits to UCCI that were earned from another university, contact our Admissions Office directly.
    • If you haven't already looked into scholarship opportunities, this is the time to consider them.


    • Review your Acceptance Letter: You'll need those login details so that you know how to select and register for courses in Blackbaud. You should register for courses as soon as possible.
    • Stay in touch with your academic advisor: You will need their help to review your programme/degree plan to ensure you are on track for completing your studies and graduating. They may also want to connect you with the Admissions Office and the Registrar's Office for services such as change of majors, programme/degree matriculation, etc.
    • Visit our UCCI Student Life Office: Learn more about the wide variety of clubs, student organisations and services offered.


    • Making an impact: Once you've completed your studies at UCCI you might be wondering "what's next"? Join our UCCI Alumni Association for an ever-expanding network of professionals and industry influencers who want to continue to improve UCCI and to be a part of impacting the lives many students to come.  From Applicant to Alumni, each success story shapes our university.
  • A variety of scholarships are available to Caymanians and Caymanian Status Holders. Take a look at our Tuition & Fees for a list of helpful websites that describe the application deadlines, application process and criteria for applying to the Cayman Islands Government and other private firms.

  • Take a look at our Tuition & Fees to see the costs for Caymanians/Qualified Residents/International Students.

  • Check our Academic Calendar for dates of New Student Orientation. At the Orientation you’ll learn about UCCI, how to use our Blackboard/Blackbaud systems, services offered to students by the Registrar’s Office and Student Life Office, information on scholarships and much more for making a smooth transition to university life at UCCI.

  • You may be a First-Time Student who is Caymanian/a Qualified Resident and is seeking to have credits transferred from another university (overseas or local).

    Alternatively, you may be an International Student seeking to complete your studies at UCCI.

    Read more about the Transfer Student type to learn about our policy on transferring credits to UCCI.

  • Read more about the International Student type for an overview of frequently asked questions, immigration requirements and student life at UCCI.

  • Once a student reaches 18 years of age he/she has the right to have access to his/her education records, the right to seek to have the records amended and the right to have control over the disclosure of personally identifiable information from the records. Information cannot be disclosed to any third party - including parents/guardians.

    If a student is 18+ years of age, they can either choose to: decline consent or provide consent.

    Students who are 18+ years of age and choose to provide consent; must indicate this consent by completing the Release of Academic Records Form in order to authorise the sharing of their education records with parents/guardians.

  • Read more about the Dual Enrolment Student type to learn about this transition.

  • Full-time studies constitute a minimum of 12 credits in the Fall and Spring semesters; and 6 credits in the Summer semester. Any credit hours below this will constitute as Part-time studies. Please be mindful of any scholarship, health insurance or immigration requirements that are impacted by your studies (whether full-time or part-time).

  • Take a look at our information for Adult Learners. We will walk you through the different pathways to enter programmes at UCCI based on your unique skills, qualifications and interests.

  • There are many pathways that lead to success. Prospective students who take the UCCI Placement Exam, but do not achieve the minimum score required to be accepted into the Associate Degree programmme may use their CXC/IGCSE/GCSE/SAT/ACT external examination passes to matriculate into the programme. Contact the Admissions Office to discuss your goals and the options available to you.

  • The UCCI Placement Examination is offered twice yearly, usually in the Spring and Summer, to prospective students (excluding Dual Enrolment Students).

    It is three hours in duration and comprises of Math and English sections. Below are the recommendations for each scoring tier.

    Overall Score Recommendation
    • 140 or higher – Eligible for Associate Degree Programme
    • 110-139 – Eligible for Pre-College Programme
    • 80-109 – Eligible for Certificate Programme
    • 79 or below – Eligible for Continuing Education/ Wait for External Exam Results

    Contact to confirm the next scheduled date for the UCCI Placement Examination.

  • The best way to contact us is to email

    Alternatively, you can call 1-345-623-8224 to speak to the Admissions Office.

    Please note that the Admissions Office receives a large volume of phone calls during peak admissions times (particularly June - August) and because of this, emailing is the best way to contact us.

    By sending us an email, your query or request is immediately recorded and can be responded to within standard processing time (2-3 business days).

  • Students may be eligible for conditional acceptance for their programme of choice. These admissions decisions are made on a case-by-case basis depending on programme requirements or student type; and are made with the approval of the Admissions Manager and Programme Director (if applicable).

  • Admissions decisions typically take 2-3 weeks to be returned once an application is complete. Please be mindful of the priority deadlines. The Admissions Office receives a large volume of phone calls during peak admissions times (particularly June - August) and this effects the processing time.

    The only way to check the status of your application is to email Updates on the status of your application can only occur via email at this time.

  • The only way to check the status of your application is to email Updates on the status of your application can only occur via email at this time.

  • See our requirements for First Time Students. You should also review the specific requirements for your student type and the specific requirements for your programme of choice.

    Please note that not all student types will be required to submit external exam scores; while other student types might be waiting to receive their external exam scores. Be sure to read the requirements.

  • You will need to present all Required Documents to the UCCI Admissions Office so that your Application Form can be completed.

  • Required Documents vary. Read our Required Documents for First Time Students and review the Required Documents for your student type and the Required Documents for your programme of choice. You must submit all Required Documents for your application to be complete.

  • Admissions Criteria varies. Read about our requirements for First Time Students and review the specific requirements for your student type and the specific requirements for your programme of choice.

  • It’s important to correctly identify your “student type” so you can submit the correct Required Documents for completing your application. Before you apply please carefully review the website section on student type.

  • UCCI operates on a rolling admissions calendar. We accept applications from students in the Fall, Spring and Summer semesters.

    Students can submit their Application Form at any time. However, we highly recommend that prospective students apply by the priority deadlines to ensure there is time to process your application in advance of the semester you wish to enter. Here are those dates:

    Fall semester entry
    • May 31st - Application Deadline International Students & Transient (Overseas) Students apply online
    • June 30th - Application Deadline Caymanians & Qualified Residents apply online
    Spring semester entry
    • Sept 30th - Application Deadline International Students & Transient (Overseas) Students apply online
    • Oct 31st - Application Deadline Caymanians & Qualified Residents apply online
    Summer semester entry
    • Jan 31st - Application Deadline International Students & Transient (Overseas) Students apply online
    • Feb 28th - Application Deadline Caymanians & Qualified Residents apply online

    Check our Academic Calendar for dates of New Student Orientation, the Class Registration period and Class start dates for your semester of entry.

  • If you are planning on pursuing undergraduate studies at UCCI, you will complete the Application Form online. You’ll then print, sign and submit the Application Form to the UCCI Admissions Office along with all Required Documents specified by your student type and the programme requirements. Please ensure all Required Documents are submitted in order to complete your Application Form.

  • Congratulations! Get the information you need to know.

  • I am interested in pursuing my graduate studies (Master’s degree).

  • I am a Civil Service College (CSC) Student and I want to transfer to UCCI to pursue a degree programme.

  • I paused my studies at UCCI for one or more academic years. I want to get back on track to complete my studies.

  • I want to take specific courses or I am not sure what degree to pursue.

  • I am 21+ years of age and I would like to start or return to UCCI to upskill and re-tool myself with a degree programme or specific courses.

  • I or my organisation would like training opportunities to enhance workforce knowledge through workshops, seminars, certificates, diplomas, immersive learning experiences and other highly customisable courses of study.

  • I am ready to continue my education by taking some courses that build upon my skills. I may also want to pursue some of my technical/vocational interests with a course or certification.

  • I attend an overseas university which has formed an international partnership with UCCI to facilitate study abroad experiences.

  • I am a Transient Student. I am visiting student and I am interested in attending UCCI for one semester or two.

  • I want to continue or complete my studies by transferring to UCCI from another university.

  • I am an International Student and I want to study at UCCI.

  • I am a Year 11 student at a local public high school and I want to begin my Year 12 in the Dual Enrolment Programme at UCCI to pursue my Associate Degree.

  • I am a High School Leaver. I have finished (or will soon finish) my high studies at a local private high school, CIFEC or overseas. I am 20 years or younger and have not yet joined the workforce. I want to further my education at UCCI.

  • During the course of normal operations, UCCI would host 4-6 smaller sittings of the UCCI Placement Exam in preparation for upcoming semesters so that those scores can be evaluated to determine a prospective student’s eligibility for various UCCI programmes (such as our TVET Programmes / Certificates / Pre-College Programme / Associate Programmes). 

    Please visit our UCCI Placement Exam webpage to learn more about the exam and to see available sittings (proctored in accordance with current public health mandates).

  • As the Cayman Islands public university, one of UCCI’s core values speak to equal education opportunities. This means that not only are there multiple pathways to entry but that we are cognizant of providing an affordable, quality education.

    UCCI also offers payment plans which can provide a manageable schedule of payments that fit your budget, allowing you to achieve your goals while staying on track with personal finances.

    Payment Plans and their first installments can be processed by debit or credit card through the Finance Team. For more information email or call 1-345-623-8224. Payment plans and payments can be made via our Online Payment Portal here.

    UCCI has also worked with numerous organisations and community partners to offer scholarships and financial assistance to eligible students. Some scholarships are needs-based, while others are merit-based. Visit our Student Life webpage to learn more.

  • Year 11 Public High School students will need to meet the admissions criteria for the UCCI Dual Enrolment Programme. At present, the minimum admissions criteria includes: five (5) passes (1-3 or A-C) in an external examination (CXC, BTEC, GCSE, IGCSE) including Math & English A; all at the general or technical level to be eligible to pursue Associate Degrees (through the Dual Enrolment Programme).

    Students must also submit a signed Dual Entry Approval Form from the Department of Education Services (DES). This approval form is normally received from the CIFEC hall when external examinations are collected in August. Please note, our UCCI Admissions Team is aware of worldwide delays and schedule changes, that have resulted in new dates for external examination sittings (such as CXC, IGCSE, AQA, etc.)

    Continue to check this Frequently Asked Questions Page for further updates on the admissions process for prospective Dual Enrolment students. Any changes to this process will be determined in consultation with the DES and the Ministry of Education, Youth, Sports, Agriculture & Lands.

  • When applying to UCCI, current CIFEC (Year 12) students often pursue just one (1) of the two (2) forms of admissions criteria described below:

    1. Sitting the UCCI Placement Exam – During the course of normal operations, a group sitting of the UCCI Placement Exam is held for all CIFEC Students whose scores will be evaluated to determine their eligibility for various UCCI programmes (such as our TVET Programmes / Certificates / Pre-College Programme / Associate Programmes).
    2. Submitting external examination results – Students can submit a minimum of five (5) passes (1-3 or A-C) in an external examination (CXC, BTEC, GCSE, IGCSE) including Math & English A; all at the general or technical level to be eligible to pursue Associate Programmes.
    3. CIFEC students will receive further information (from UCCI and CIFEC school administrators) with regards to safely sitting the UCCI Placement Exam (in 2021) per current public health mandates. Please note, our Admissions Team is aware of worldwide delays and schedule changes, that have resulted in new dates for external examination sittings (such as CXC, IGCSE, AQA, etc.) Continue to check this Frequently Asked Questions Page for further updates on the admissions process for CIFEC students.
  • Our Admissions Team is aware of worldwide delays and schedule changes, that have resulted in new dates for external examination sittings (such as CXC, IGCSE, AQA, etc.). The Ministry of Education, Youth, Sports, Agriculture & Lands remains in diligent consultation with external examination bodies and will issue further guidance to ensure all secondary and postsecondary or tertiary local educational institutions, are informed of these changes. UCCI will continue to abide by Ministry guidance when determining appropriate safety measures, course offerings (and modality), in addition to other developments that relate to our admissions process or admissions criteria.


    At present, we encourage high school students (and their parents/guardians) to take these steps:

    1. Continue to follow the instructions issued by your high school educators
    2. Stay up-to-date with the latest guidance issued by the Ministry:
    3. Monitor our Frequently Asked Questions webpage for the latest updates about UCCI (and external examination information provided by the Ministry)
    4. Submit your application to UCCI via the new online application portal. Applying is simple and all required documents can be uploaded online. An Admissions representative will review your application and you can also request assistance if you need any.
  • At this time, all in-person meetings/events at the UCCI Grand Cayman and Cayman Brac campuses have been cancelled at least through April 27, 2020. Families and prospective students should visit this page closer to this date for updates. We encourage you to schedule a video-enabled meeting with our Admissions Manager should you wish to ask specific questions about the campuses at

    UCCI adheres to all current public health guidance mandated by the Cayman Islands Government, to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all students. Please contact the UCCI Admissions Team at or 1-345-623-8224 to arrange a campus tour in accordance with current public health mandates; or to ask specific questions about the campuses; or alternatively, to view UCCI’s virtual campus tour.

  • For secondary school officials with questions or concerns about undergraduate admissions, please contact; primarily if a student will not be able to complete their secondary school education and will require guidance on their admissions process.

    If your students would like more information about UCCI or the application process; our Admissions Team can provide digital Information Packets, schedule a student appointment or provide an online presentation to your class.

  • International students who have been accepted to UCCI, can pay and register for classes by submitting the required immigration documentation via their online application.  If you are an international student who is currently based overseas, we recommend contacting the Workforce Opportunities & Residency Cayman Office (WORC) as soon as possible to determine the necessary immigration documentation and any newly implemented immigration procedures or travel restrictions related to COVID-19 developments. If you are an international student living in the Cayman Islands and you are unsure of your current immigration status, please contact WORC to ensure clarity. If you require further guidance about the application process, please email or call 1-345-623-8224.

  • Some of the components of our transfer review process may change depending on the programme and semester that you are applying to enter. Students who wish to apply as transfer students can email to request further information.  If your transfer application materials are delayed because of circumstances related to COVID-19, we will do our best to be flexible. While we are not able to waive certain testing requirements, we can accept various types of late materials so long as your online application is submitted on time.

  • Our new online application portal offers an expanded level of convenience for prospective students. 

    1. Click the link and "Create An Account."
    2. Register your account through the online application portal, then to setup a password.
    3. Login to begin your online application. You’ll follow a built-in checklist that describes what required documents you’ll need to upload.
    4. Once you’ve completed your online application, submit it and you’ll be prompted to pay your application fee. Your online application will then be reviewed.
    5. You’ll receive an admissions decision issued through the online application portal. Continue checking the portal to see if you’ve been accepted to UCCI.

    If you need any assistance, contact our Admissions Team at or 1-345-623-8224

  • The UCCI Admissions Team continues to support students by delivering effective support services that include: 

  • Any student who has already received an offer of acceptance to the university will be able to start their studies with UCCI. Your transition to UCCI may be different than what you anticipated; but our team will continue to facilitate your academic journey in the safest and most convenient way possible. If you have questions about class registration or payments, you can contact our Admissions Team  at or 1-345-623-8224

  • To support prospective students, UCCI continues to monitor ongoing COVID-19 developments and adheres to all current public health guidance mandated by the Cayman Islands Government, to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all students. Visit UCCI’s new online application portal designed to facilitate online document submission or contact our Admissions Team at or 1-345-623-8224 for immediate assistance.

Do you have questions?

We are happy to assist you. Please email us on for admissions or call us on +1 345 623 8224.

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