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Dual Enrolment

Programme Overview

In conjunction with CIFEC, UCCI administers a first-year track into higher education, which includes a selected associate degree plan, to significantly ensure a greater chance of success and transition into college life as a year-12 option for government school students.

The Year 12 Dual Enrolment Programme/Foundation for Success track is comprised of compulsory courses intended to establish a proper basis in English & Math as well as tools for survival throughout your college path. ENG 99 and Math 100 provide students with the necessary foundation to adequately transition into College Composition I and College Algebra. It will also provide students with the necessary substance for subsequent courses throughout their degree plans. Col 100 (Intro to College and Survival Strategies) offers students the tools and strategies that they will be able to utilize throughout college life. It prepares students for what to expect as well as how to maneuver through challenges faced in college.

The Foundation for Success track places emphasis on the first 2 semesters at UCCI. These are found to be one of the most critical times in a student's tertiary career. Success in these two semesters can significantly set the pace for the remainder of a degree pathway. Along with compulsory courses, students will also enrol in courses that follow their selected Associate Degree plan.

Students will also be required to meet with academic advisors throughout the semester as well as representatives from Student Services. These various meetings will ensure that students are utilizing all the available resources at the university as well as cooperatively monitoring their academic progression throughout these semesters. In addition to following outlined courses, advisement and attendance students will also be required to participate in community service project(s) throughout the year.

Our goal is to ensure that each student realizes their fullest potential and be given the best opportunities to achieve success at UCCI and their pursuit of academic achievement and development of good citizenship.

Acceptance Criteria

  • Year 11 public school students can be accepted into the Foundation for Success Associate’s degree programme track, only if they have met the minimum acceptance criteria of 5 external exam passes of grades I, II, III /A,B or C in CXC/GCSE/IGCSE (2 of which must be Math & English A, at the general level).
  • Year 11 public school students cannot participate in the University Entrance Examination nor use it as a means for acceptance.
  • Year 11 students will also need to complete a CIFEC year 12 Dual Entry Programme Form and gain the necessary approval
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