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You Have What It Takes

The admissions criteria will guide you in determining the appropriate on ramp for your pathway to success.

Check to see if you need to satisfy other requirements based on your programme of choice, immigration status or student type.


Admissions Criteria

These programmes are competency-based. No prior assessment is required for admission; however, a brief assessment may be required if you wish to enter at an intermediate or advanced level.

Those who wish to enrol in the full-time Pre-College programme must:
  • Complete a personal interview

And satisfy one of the following:

  • Two (2) passes in an external examination (CXC, BTEC, GCSE, IGCSE) at the general or technical level
  • Have received a score of 110-139 points on the UCCI Placement Examination
  • Adult learners: Individuals 21 years of age or older with a minimum of two years of relevant work experience can apply
Those who wish to enrol in the full-time Certificate programme must:
  • Complete a personal interview

And satisfy one of the following:

  • One (1) pass in an external examination (CXC, BTEC, GCSE, IGCSE) at the general or technical level
  • Have received a score of 80-109 points on the UCCI placement examination

Speak to the UCCI professional development centre about your professional experience, goals and interests to determine a customised plan of studies.

For High School Leavers:
  • A minimum of five (5) passes (1-3 or A-C) in an external examination (CXC, BTEC, GCSE, IGCSE) including Math & English A: all at the general or technical level
  • Have received a score of 140 points on the UCCI placement examination
  • SAT:
    • Prior to 2017: 1425
    • As of 2017: 1040
  • ACT: 22
For Adult Learners:

Individuals 21 years of age or older with a minimum of two years of relevant work experience, are able to apply and can elect to (if applicable) submit any previous external examination passes.

  • Completion of an Associate Programme
  • An official university transcript
Those who wish to enrol in the Bachelor of Science in Nursing must:
  • Complete a personal interview
  • Be a minimum of 17 years of age at the time of entry
  • Submit an application form with an essay or personal statement

And must have either:

  • A minimum of five (5) passes (1-3 or A-C) in an external examination (CXC, BTEC, GCSE, IGCSE) including Math & English A & a pure science (i.e. Biology, Human & Social Biology): all at the general or technical level. Among these passes, no more than two (2) should be a 3 (for CXC) or C (for IGCSE). See list of approved subjects.


  • Have the Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) certificate with five (5) years relevant experience and an external examination pass in Math (CXC, GCSE, IGCSE) and a recommendation from an employer.

Note: Students can also satisfy the mandatory Math, English A and pure science (Biology, Human & Social Biology) external examination passes with CAPE passes: Applied Mathematics, Communication Studies and Integrated Science.

Those who wish to enrol in a Graduate Programme must:
  • Complete a personal interview
  • Have completed a Bachelor Programme and submitted an official university transcript OR have a minimum of five (5) years of managerial-level experience in business
And must also have:
  • A minimum of two (2) years of relevant post-qualification work experience
  • Satisfactory knowledge of the english language at postgraduate level
  • A satisfactory score on the Commonwealth Executive Management Admission Test (CEMAT) – if the student is applying to pursue the CEMBA/CEMPA

Accepted Passes:

  1. Caribbean/UK
    1. CXC/CSEC (Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate) (General & Technical): Grading Accepted: 1-3
    2. BTEC (Business and Technology Education Council) Level 2 or 3: Grading Accepted: 1-3
    3. GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education): Grading Scale: 9-1 (9-4 is equivalent to A*-C)]
      • AQA (Assessment and Qualifications Alliance)
      • WJEC (Welsh Joint Education Committee), or CBAC
    4. IGCSE (International General Certificate of Secondary Education): Grading Scale: 9-1 (9-4 is equivalent to A*-C)]
      • Cambridge
    5. CAPE (Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Exam) (can be transferrable for Associate Level courses): Grading Accepted: 1-3
  2. USA
    1. SAT (Scholastic Assessment Test): Accepted Score - 1024
    2. ACT (American College Test): Accepted Score – 22
  3. UCCI Internal
    1. Placement Exam: Qualifying for an…
      • Associate Degree – 140+
      • Pre-College – 110-139
      • Certificate – 80-109
      • Continuing Education – 79 or below

For external examinations not listed above, it will be the responsibility of prospective student to submit those external examinations to world education services via their website at for an evaluation and then request to have the report sent to UCCI.


  • A personal interview is required for all Certificate Programmes, the Pre-College Matriculation Programme, Nursing Programmes, Social Work Programmes, the Bachelor of Science in primary education, the Postgraduate Certificate in Education & Graduate Programmes. Some programmes will also require a personal essay. It is best to review the UCCI website to determine what other requirements you may need to satisfy.
  • If you are a Transfer Student, you should submit an official university transcript from your former institution to request an evaluation of transfer credits.
  • Prospective students (excluding Dual Enrolment Students) can elect to take the UCCI placement examination to determine what programme they are eligible to join, based on their exam results. Contact to confirm the next exam date.
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